Virtual Reality, alternate reality, Utopia, speculation


exhbition / artwork

„Every click, every move has the potential to count for something, for someone somewhere somehow” (Gitelman 2013). We’re currently experiencing a „Data Renaissance,“ where data is seen as a „gold mine“ and referred to as „the new oil of the Internet and the new currency of the digital world,“ fueling our latest speculative bubble (Gitelman 2013). Presenting the illusion of individualism, our urban spaces and daily lives are being shaped by highly standardized transactions and multiplied solutions. Google Maps navigates us through the complexity of geolocations, providing information on traffic congestion in return. Lime e-scooters accelerate our walking tempo, collecting private movement patterns in exchange, while vacuum cleaning robots perfect our living spaces for the cost of a floor plan. Mass-scale data exchange profoundly influences city planning, with companies like Google and Meta emerging as major players in a capitalist-driven urbanization. Yet, this influence operates on their terms and conditions. Do you consciously choose to live in a Truman Show or BarbieLand?


Video Trailer

CityVerse: A speculative utopia

Vorgestellte Künstler

Portrait foto of Navid Javan Shojamofrad.

Navid Javan Shojamofrad

Artist, architect


Image Gallery

Highlights from the final presentations by the Visual cultures artistic project students.

Students presenting their end-of-semester art and design projects
Students presenting their end-of-semester art and design projects
Students presenting their end-of-semester art and design projects
Students presenting their end-of-semester art and design projects
Students presenting their end-of-semester art and design projects
Students presenting their end-of-semester art and design projects
Students presenting their end-of-semester art and design projects