Performance in a landscape of bones, stones and volcanoes

Bones and Stones

performance / dance / VR
Artistic Director: CLAUDIA BOSSE
Binaural Composition: GÜNTHER AUER


The performance BONES and STONES by Claudia Bosse penetrates the time of our planet through its layers and sediments with bodies of different ages in search of the memory of stones and bones. Hybrid bodies of flesh, bones and stones disintegrate into choreographies of (tangible) organic and inorganic matter. Poetic assemblages, processes of transformation and encounters with different entities emerge in a walk-in space. Utopias meet landscapes and myths meet eco-somatic practices.

Hybrid beings
entangled in forces
they are shifting matter they are shifted matter
they are speculating about crystallisation of time
about becoming of the earth about kinship
they are recombining knowledge
between matters
spread out in time
movements of monsters …
we carry inorganic matter in our bones
memory of stones
in us

In the choreographic narrative BONES and STONES, dancers of different ages dig back through the sediments in time, layer by layer, turning the inside of the earth outside while wearing bones on their skin. Bones that have emerged from matter, older than our universe. Thus, the space becomes a place of encounter and meeting of organic and inorganic material, a place of processes of transformation and poetic intertwining in an electro-acoustic environment by Günther Auer. Are there utopias of communion with the elements? Are there utopias in the assembly of all times?

Video Trailer

Performance at Tanzquartier Wien (TQW)

Vorgestellte Künstler

Claudia Bosse during the Bones and Stones performance

Claudia Bosse

Artistic Director


Image Gallery

Performance Documentation in TQW, Lindabrunn, and Copenhagen.

Performer carrying a brick in the TQW space.
Performance in Copenhagen, at the harbor, red brick house in the background
Performance in Lindabrunn, scene after darkness with flashlights.